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Qtractor - Knifeman - 29.03.2016

[Obrazek: 4dXrgxj.png]

[Obrazek: qtractor.png]

Wielościeżkowy sekwencer audio/MIDI na dystrybucji Open Source. Mimo iż program jest jeszcze w becie, to już posiada spore możliwości i śmiało może konkurować z innym softem na Linuxa przeznaczonym do tworzenia muzyki.


Multi-track audio and MIDI sequencing and recording.
Developed on the Qt C++ application an UI framework.
Uses JACK for audio and ALSA sequencer for MIDI as multimedia infrastructures.
Traditional multi-track tape recorder control paradigm.
Audio file formats support: OGG (via libvorbis), MP3 (via libmad, playback only), WAV, FLAC, AIFF and many, many more (via libsndfile).
Standard MIDI files support (format 0 and 1).
Non-destructive, non-linear editing.
Unlimited number of tracks per session/project.
Unlimited number of overlapping clips per track.
XML encoded session/project description files (SDI).
Point-and-click, multi-select, drag-and-drop interaction (drag, move, drop, cut, copy, paste, paste-repeat, delete, split, merge)
Unlimited undo/redo.
Built-in mixer and monitor controls.
Built-in connection patchbay control and persistence (a-la QjackCtl).
LADSPA, DSSI, native VSTi and LV2 plug-in support.
Unlimited number of plug-ins per track or bus.
Plug-in presets, programs and chunk/configurations support, including native VST FXB/FXP file support.
Unlimited audio/MIDI effect send/return inserts per track or bus.
Audio/MIDI clip fade-in/out, cross-fade (linear, quadratic, cubic).
Audio/MIDI clip gain/volume, normalize, export.
Audio/MIDI track and plugin parameter automation (dynamic curves, sample&hold, linear and spline modes).
Audio clip time-stretching (WSOLA-like or via librubberband), pitch-shifting (via librubberband) and seamless sample-rate conversion (via libsamplerate).
Audio/MIDI track export (mix-down, render, merge).
Audio/MIDI metronome bar/beat clicks.
Unlimited tempo/time-signature map.
Unlimited location/bar markers.
MIDI clip editor (matrix/piano roll).
MIDI instrument definitions (a-la Cakewalk™ (*.ins));
SoundFont (*.sf2) and MIDI Names XML (*.midnam) files also supported.
MIDI controller mapping/learn/assignment (mixer and plug-in parameters).
MIDI system exclusive (SysEx) setups.
JACK transport sync master/slave.
JACK session support.
NSM (Non session management) support.
MMC control surface enabled.
MIDI Clock, Song Position cueing support.
Configurable keyboard and MIDI controller shortcuts.

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